Karl Marx: A Biography (PDF)

Arshad Hussain

Karl Marx: A Biography

  • 495 PAGES
  • 2012
  • 8.14 MB

Karl Marx: A Biography Free PDF download

David McLellan's "Karl Marx: His Life and Thought" is a comprehensive biography of one of the most influential figures in modern history. The book traces Marx's life from his childhood in Trier, Germany, to his years as a student in Bonn and Berlin, his early career as a journalist and writer in Cologne and Paris, and his later years in London.

McLellan provides an in-depth exploration of Marx's intellectual development, focusing on his political and economic theories, his ideas about class struggle, and his critiques of capitalism. He also delves into Marx's personal life, including his relationships with family, friends, and fellow revolutionaries, as well as his struggles with poverty, ill health, and the political upheavals of his time.

Throughout the book, McLellan offers a nuanced and balanced portrait of Marx, highlighting both his strengths and weaknesses as a thinker and as a person. He explores Marx's achievements as a theorist, his contributions to socialist and communist movements around the world, and his enduring legacy in modern political thought.

Overall, "Karl Marx: His Life and Thought" is a well-researched and engaging biography that provides a detailed and insightful look at one of the most influential figures in modern history.

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